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Providers are encouraged to take advantage of the new Managed Care Plan Compliance Toolkit which is titled, “Managed Care Plans: Critical Partners in the Fight Against Fraud, Waste, and Abuse in Medicaid” and located on the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) website. Material in the toolkit also includes clear instructions to providers on appropriate follow-up actions, sharing information, and making meaningful referrals. (Posted 3-14-16)
Per the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services’ ( website, it states that Medicaid is the largest payer for mental health services and plays a significant role in the finance of substance use disorder services. For providers who offer these types of services, the following information is intended to further educational outreach in an effort to reduce billing errors and fraud, waste, and abuse focusing on mental health services and substance use disorder services in the Medicaid program. (Posted 4-1-16)
Medical documentation affects services, billing, and payments. The following information from the Centers of Medicare and Medicaid Services’ ( website is intended to serve as guidance for the medical professionals in the business of helping their patients while complying with federal and state laws. Click here for more information. (Posted 4-1-16)
Effective Friday, October 7, 2016, Group Psychotherapy (90853) will now have a daily maximum of 4 units and a maximum of 100 units per state fiscal year. For more information, click here. (Posted 10-11-16)
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