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Home / Medicaid Inspector General / Provider Information / Excluded Providers
The Office of the Medicaid Inspector General is responsible for preventing fraud, waste, and abuse to the Medicaid program. If OMIG determines that there is good reason why a provider should no longer be eligible to participate in the Medicaid program, they are placed on a list of excluded providers.
Please note that the Department of Human Services maintains the list of excluded providers. That list can be accessed via the following link:
Medical providers who are excluded from Arkansas Medicaid must not order, prescribe, or provide services to any clients. Medical providers are liable for all fees paid to them by Arkansas Medicaid for services rendered by excluded individuals and are subject to audits and recoupment of any Medicaid funds paid for services.
Medical providers are responsible for checking the Department of Human Services Excluded Provider List as well as the federal list (located here: upon hiring and periodically thereafter.
DISCLAIMER: The Arkansas Office of the Medicaid Inspector General has attempted to ensure that all of the information contained in this document is as accurate and reliable as possible. However, OMIG makes no warranty or guarantee, either expressed or implied, concerning the accuracy of the content of this website. No posted information or materials provided are intended to constitute legal or medical advice. This website is intended solely for public informational purposes.
The Arkansas Office of the Medicaid Inspector General’s website links to websites maintained by other entities. Reasonable precautions are taken to link only to websites which are appropriate, accurate, and maintained by reputable organizations. The websites are not, however, under the control of the Arkansas Office of the Medicaid Inspector General and the Arkansas Office of Medicaid Inspector General assumes no responsibility for the accuracy of the information contained therein or the use or application of that information.
Address: 900 West Capitol Avenue, Suite 310
Little Rock, AR 72201
Phone: 501.682.8349
Email: [email protected]
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